About Us

Our principles


Crescer com excelência, entregando obras e serviços de engenharia e garantindo resultados sustentáveis e permanentes.


Ser reconhecidos pelo mercado e pela sociedade como um dos principais players no setor de engenharia de construção pesada.


Buscar resultados que atendam e superem as expectativas de nossos clientes, funcionários e acionistas.


Utilizamos a obediência aos critérios técnicos, o dinamismo e a versatilidade como forma de integração de serviços e pessoas, lançando mão da competência e do talento criativo para o constante desenvolvimento.

our story


We were born in Brasília in 1969 and are a fundamental part of the development of the federal capital, in addition to having already been part of 13 federative units of the country.

quality policy


Our quality policy when executing engineering works includes: seeking the satisfaction of interested parties, continuously improving production processes and meeting applicable requirements.


We finalized the implementation of the Compliance system - a concept that means acting in accordance with a specific set of rules - with the disclosure and launch of the Integrity and Ethics Manual, in October 2018.

With the implementation of the Integrity and Ethics Program, all employees were trained. In addition, all employees, customers, suppliers and subcontractors became aware of the manual. For this, we had the support of senior management and the supervision of the Ethics and Integrity Committee, led by the Compliance Officer.

These processes give continuity to our management and control measures. With that, we developed efficiency and quality actions and took another step towards our consolidation in the market, evolving in technology and prospecting new businesses with solidity and confidence.